Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona - Hospital

Biobanking experts develop a workshop on genetics

Biobanking experts develop a workshop on genetics

Friday, 10 February, 2017

Biobanks are centres of biological resources with a key role in disease research. Among the typologies of biological samples they work with, DNA, serum, tissues and tumors are the most comon. These samples are obtained directly from the patients, but they can also be obtained from healthy people who donate them in order to make a contribution to research. In most studies it is essential to have "control samples" (samples of healthy patients) that allow greater accuracy in evaluating the results and greater reliability of the findings of the research studies.

The role of biobanks is crucial for the advancement of paediatric research and better medical care for patients suffering from diseases with a reduced accumulated experience, as it is the case of paediatric patients affected by cancer or by some of the innumerable minority diseases. Biobanks are making a decisive contribution to the enormous progress of etiology and pathogenesis knowledge of paediatric diseases and personalized medicine, especially for cancer.

In Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, the Biobank is closely related physically and functionally to the Pathological Anatomy Service. This symbiotic relationship characterizes our center and enables to offer the best quality services.

On the 10th of February, the members of the Scientific Council of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu held a practical workshop in the Biobank. The initiative consisted in extracting the DNA of each participant through a saliva sample. In addition, the professionals in charge of the activity gave a didactic explanation on the services and projects in which the Biobank is involved, while showing the facilities, equipment and process of archiving the samples.

KIDS Barcelona wants to thank the facilitators of the session (Dr. Teresa Ribalta, Scientific Director of the Biobank and Head of the Pathology Department; Dr. Jesús Márquez, biologist and technician of the Biobank; Dr. Cristina Jou, pathologist and responsible for collection of samples; and Anna Codina, biologist and technician of the Biobank) for their time and dedication to offer a rewarding and experiential activity.

According to Dr. Ribalta, "the activity has been extremely satisfying as it showed the genuine interest of the young scientists of the KIDS group to know our biobank and to learn their role in pediatric biomedical research. All the staff was congratulated for the success of the experience and we hope to be able to repeat it in the near future. "

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  • Práctica sobre extracción de ADN - Kids Barcelona
  • Práctica sobre extracción de ADN - Kids Barcelona
  • Práctica sobre extracción de ADN - Kids Barcelona