Session 6: dissemination events on the second quarter

Friday, 17 March, 2017
Work session of the Scientific Council of Hospital Sant Joan de Deú centrada en las actividades divulgativas a desarrollar en los próximos meses.
Activity plan:
European Congress od Research Ethics Commitees organized by EUREC, ANCEI, Sant Joan de Déu Foundation and Institut Borja de Bioètica.
Healthio congress.
1st Protagonists Forum "A clinical trial is an oportunity for all". Madrid, May 9th.
Ican Summit: preparation of the poster sumarizing the 2016-17 course activities.
Facilitators of the seession :
- Joana Claverol, Director of the Clinical Research Unit of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.
- Begonya Nafria, Patient Advocacy Manager in Research of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.