Session 7: What happens when a research project comes to its end?

Friday, 5 May, 2017
Work session of the Scientific Council of Hospital Sant Joan de Deú centred in learning about the different options to disseminate the results of a research project (scientific publications, communications and posters in congresses, etc.).
Activity plan:
- Scientific publications: impact factor, databases, etc.
- Participation in congresses.
- Keys to communicate in scientific events.
- Writing a script for a dissemination video related to the topic.
Facilitators of the session:
- Anna Maria Merino, Responsible for the Area of Knowledge Management and Communication of Sant Joan de Déu Foundation.
- Joana Claverol, Director of the Clinical research Unit of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.
- Begonya Nafria, Patient Advocacy Manager in Research of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.