Session 8: Counselling to the project of tele-rehabilitation in speech therapy

Tuesday, 6 June, 2017
Work session of the Scientific Council of Hospital Sant Joan de Deú centred in offering advice within two international projects with the participation of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu: ACADOM and informed consent templates created by the work group of EnprEMA.
Activity plan:
- ACADOM (Ensuring Continuity of Home Care). Consultancy focused in two essential elements for the development of these tele-rehabilitation applications in the speech therapy area: characters of the digital adventure and name of the interactive. This project has been co-funded by the European Union through the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER ("A way of biulding Europe") with the support of ACCIÓ – Generalitat de Catalunya. Reference numer: COMRDI15-1-0026
- Revision of the informed assent templates created by the ethics work group of EnprEMA (European Network of Paediatric Research of EMA), and that are aimed to create a unified reference document at the European level.
Facilitators of the session:
- Arnau Valls, engineer and project manager of the Department of Innovation of Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu.
- David Garriga and Alba Rodellar, creatives of Omada Interactiva.
- Joana Claverol, Director of the Clinical Resarch Unit of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.
- Begonya Nafria, Patient Advocacy Manager in Research of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.